How To Set Powerful Intentions


Hey there Soul Sisters!

I’d like to talk about an important part of the manifestation process, setting intentions. What exactly are intentions?

Intentions are courses of action we take to reach a certain goal. However, setting intentions is different from setting goals themselves; the process of being intentional requires us to tap into our relationship with our spirit and how we align our thoughts with our actions everyday.  It’s much more meaningful to reach our goals when they are set with intentions in mind. In this article, I will share with you my process of setting my daily intentions, and how taking these steps can help you manifest your best self.

  • Express gratitude

While setting intentions, remember to be aware of and recognize what you are currently grateful for. Express gratitude for the journey your life has taken thus far and understand how it has shaped you as a person! We can then open ourselves up to receive even more blessings in our life. How could we begin to receive the universe’s gifts if we do not value what it has already presented us?

  • Clearly identify your needs 

    • We all have a basic idea of what we want in this world. However, while setting intentions, we have to dig even deeper. Sit down with yourself and take some time to think deeply about how your dreams would look in each aspect of your life. Be specific! Instead of stating “I want to be healthier,” illustrate what being healthier would look like in your life. This could mean “I want to move my body everyday for at least thirty minutes,” or “I want to have a fruit and a vegetable with every meal this week.” When your intentions are clear and meaningful, it will be easier to attract those higher vibrations and manifest your desires. 

  • Tap into those emotions! 

    • After your clear needs have been set, close your eyes and truly envision how you would feel in the moment your goals have been met. For example, if I have set an intention to travel to a new country by the end of the year, I would visualize myself stepping off the plane, sipping a cocktail on the beach, and the feeling of the warm sun hitting my skin while I watch the sunset. Before the universe can present you with your desires, you must see them for yourself. When you have that clear perception of your desires, it will only be a matter of time before they are manifested into reality. 

  • Incorporate it into your daily routine 

    • Having a routine is an essential part of creating a productive and energized day, whether it be morning or night. Incorporating a practice such as setting intentions into your daily routine will only strengthen your routine’s positive effects. Taking a few minutes each day to be mindful and in touch with your spirit will direct your actions and thoughts to reflect what is most important to you. And with any skill or talent, consistent practice is key; in order to reap the benefits, you must put in the time and energy.  

I hope this article has helped you with our intention setting process! I challenge you to begin the new week with an open mind, an open heart, and a new perspective. In the words of our girl Solange, “Do nothing without intention.”

Rebekah Theresa