5 Ways To Ground Your Energy To Better Manifest!


Sis, we understand it’s a bit chaotic right now everywhere we turn. We can’t blame you for feeling a little overwhelmed – because honestly we can relate!

In situations of high intensity it’s easy to get trapped up in the many emotions floating around you. The best way to deal with tough situations is to “ground” your energy and to be intentional with what you focus on.

Being grounded means you are present in your life, not obsessed with the past or future. Being grounded means you have stability, security, and control over your life and current emotions. It means being ready to handle life’s challenges instead of burying your head in the sand and pretending they aren’t there.

Our physical existence is how we ground our spirituality into our lives in real, tangible ways. Because of this, being grounded is an extremely important component of manifesting. If we’re not properly grounded, we simply can’t manifest what we want into our physical existence because we’re not going to be able to bring in the energy we need to into our physical bodies. Being grounded is what brings spirituality into the physical.


So, what do you do if you’re ungrounded?  Here are five ways to ground yourself.  You can do them all or pick the ones that resonate with you the most!

  • Move Your Body
    Moving your physical body reminds you that you have one.  Instead of zoning out on Instagram or in front of the tv – focus on moving your body! Try dancing, walking around outside, or taking an online work out class. This physical activity releases built up energy easily and gets rid of pinned up emotions! Win – Win!

  • Walk on the Earth
    Take off your shoes and walk on the Earth.  Not the concrete.  Find some actual Earth.  Run through the grass, take a stroll along the sandy beach. The Earth carries an energy that nourishes your energetic body.  But when you wear shoes and walk on concrete you don’t get to absorb that energy.  So get back to nature and let Mother Earth ground and restore your energy.

  • Root Meditation
    Sit quietly and imagine roots going from your feet deep into the core of the Earth.  Plant yourself.  The first time I tried this I wasn’t expecting much, but I was amazed at how this actually felt.  Imagine your feet have grown roots, and like a beanstalk imagine the roots snaking their way down into the Earth. Go all the way to the core. This will completely ground you energetically.

  • 54321 Grounding Technique
    A popular grounding exercise for when you are feeling overstimulated or anxious is the “5-4-3-2-1” technique. Here's how it's done: Sit or stand with your feet securely on the floor. Focus on your surroundings long enough to find the following: 5 things you see, 4 things you hear, 3 things you feel, 2 things you smell, and 1 thing you taste. You can say them out loud, write them down, or think of them in your head. Repeat these back to yourself until you feel like you are back in the present moment. Disallow your mind from wandering to the future or the past. Just be in the now. Notice that you are alright, that nothing bad is happening to you, and that you are totally at One with the world around you.

  • Breathing Exercises
    Focusing on our breath is one of the simplest ways we can bring ourselves back into the present moment. There are a whole bunch of techniques designed to hone in on your breathing. A simple technique is to start by simply taking a slow, deep inhale for 5 counts, and then a slow, deep exhale for 5 counts. Or exhale deeply three times and notice how your body feels when you’re done.

There are many ways to ground yourself.  What is your favorite method?

Kanique Swinson