Embrace The Chase: How To Turn Downfalls Into Successes


Life can be a whirlwind of emotions. No, sis, it's not just you! When you're fresh out of your teenage or college years with the world at your feet, it can sometimes feel as though you can conquer anything. Or on the flip side, It can sometimes feel as though your life is on pause as the rest of the world whizzes by. But no matter your age, life comes at you fast, and how you handle it is your real test of strength. 

Everyone has hardships, some harder than others, but what happens when those hardships make us feel like we just can't win? How do we manifest our lives into something that brings us joy? The real key when experiencing downfalls is to embrace these changed circumstances into your success.

Think of it this way. Change is inevitable. It is like a river flowing downstream, following the law of gravity. When you resist it, it feels like trying to row upstream during a flood. When you accept change and embrace it, it is like smoothly flowing downstream. You may still need to paddle to avoid ramming into a rock or a bridge abutment, but it won't feel like you are fighting the current. Life gets easier.

If you're the type of person who fears change, ask yourself why. Is it because you're comfortable in your current situation? Is it because you fear that things won't work out the way you planned? Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but most of the time, they don't. But that's where the real beauty is - in the unknown. Maybe you didn't get that job you so desperately wanted, or that relationship you pictured yourself in forever didn't work out. Embracing adversities equips you with the tools to be prepared for when things don't go your way. 


Downfalls in life can also give you a different perspective. Maybe you didn't get that job because there was a better one waiting for you somewhere else. Or that relationship didn't work out because your real soulmate is still out there. Whatever your downfall or challenge is, take it as an opportunity to look at things from a different perspective. Instead of seeing it as something that you missed out on, try to see it as a door that opened for you to walk into something more significant. If you manifest an attitude of positivity that hones in on personal growth, then you're more likely to be equipped to handle the rough stuff. Allowing yourself to feel the emotions that aren't always so positive helps to give us clarity and room to embrace the changes that are meant to come our way.

Yes, life brings changes. Sometimes, those changes are out of our control, but the one thing we can control is our reactions to them. Whether we allow those changes to bring joy or chaos into our lives is up to us. But there is always something to be learned from the unknown. Hardships come into our lives in all forms, but there is nothing too big that we can't overcome. Manifesting your strength includes telling yourself, "You can do this" or "I will get through this" and initiating positive self-talk, even when it's the last thing you want to do. Take one small step after another into the unknown – and you will be surprised at how quickly the path forward will become apparent to you and entirely achievable.

Storm Ray