Ready for REM: Night Time Routine for Manifesting!


Hey Sis,

So it's the end of a long day, and you're finding yourself drained, both physically and mentally. We've all been there, sis, day in and day out. It's the part of the day that most of us look forward to - the end. But how you end your day will set a preface for how you begin your next one. Developing a nighttime routine that helps you wind down will give you the energy you need to manifest your best self in the days to come. 

7:00 PM - Hot shower. Some people can shower in the morning to get their day going, but I'm not one of them. A hot night time shower puts me in the mindset to wind down and gives me a chance to wash the day away and rinse all my stresses down the drain. 

7:15 PM - Once I'm out of the shower, I use this time to do my nighttime skincare routine. Your skincare should act as a relaxer for you, and it should be something you enjoy. I like to keep all my skincare in my bathroom, so it's ready for me when I finish my shower. Take this time to enjoy yourself and give some love to that skin! 

7:30 PM - Meditation for 10 minutes. This is your time to reflect on your day and be with yourself. I light a candle beforehand (Stress Relief from Bath and Body Works is my current fave) and give the aroma time to fill my room. Turn off your phone, TV, and any other distractions and focus on your breathing. 

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7:40 PM - Once I'm finished meditating, I write in my journal. I have two journals that serve different purposes for me. There's no right or wrong way to do this, but I find writing very therapeutic. Some examples of what I write is a reflection of my day, my goals for the week, or what I accomplished that day. Don't be afraid to give yourself some recognition!

7:55 PM - A steaming cup of tea and my current book are the final steps in helping me come down from a crazy day high. Teas like chamomile, lavender, or jasmine are great for helping with anxiety and aiding sleep. My advice is to stay away from green tea or any others that contain caffeine; they'll most likely keep you up all night. Depending on how tired I am, I'll read one chapter or two from the book I'm currently reading. You can also flip through a magazine, work on a puzzle, or listen to some calming music. 

This routine will look different for everyone, but I encourage you to find something that helps you ease your mind and relax your body before bed time. Whether you're working or going to school, our days can get long, and we must take care of ourselves. As adults, sleep is vital, and your sleep quality can be heavily based on your nighttime routine. Allowing yourself time to rest and rejuvenate is one of the secret keys to manifesting! Wind down, relax, and get those zzz's!

Storm Ray