Write Your Breakthrough: A Letter To Your Younger Self


Hey there Soul Sisters!

This week, I’ve decided to do some self-reflecting and write a letter to a past version of myself. By writing this letter, I can reflect on my past experiences, provide myself with some much needed healing, and align myself with the lessons that I’ve learned.

Writing letters to yourself is a therapeutic experience that allows you the opportunity of reflection and to measure out just how far you’ve come. Imagine what your past self you would need to hear right now? If you could offer her any advice, what would you say? What downfalls would you try to save her from?

Give yourself permission to really GO there! It’s also a great tool to release blockages and baggages holding you back from achieving your manifestations. This is also a great way to heal inner child wounds and to ground your root chakra! This week take some time to write a letter to a past version of yourself and praise yourself for your growth!

Need some inspiration for your letter? I got you covered! Feel free to take a glimpse at my letter below to my younger self. Remember to remain open, remain honest, and share with a friend if you’re feeling vulnerable.

There’s no wrong way to do this! Just speak from your heart, always!

Dear Past Rebekah, 

I’m writing you this letter from your apartment in the center of Madrid, Spain (one of your favorite cities in the world) in October of 2020. This is your third year living in Spain. You will read this letter on the day of your high school graduation; June 14, 2014. You’ve just completed a significant stage in your life, and you’re absolutely eager to begin the next step. You've been accepted into your dream university, with curiosity about the future bubbling inside you everyday. I wish you could see where the next six years of your life will take you. Trust me, it’s nothing you could have ever expected, let alone imagined. Here’s some advice for you to reflect on as you make your way through your next great adventure. 

I know you never felt like the smartest person in the room throughout high school. In fact, you often compared yourself to your peers. I want you to realize how intelligent you truly are. Never deny the power of your emotional intelligence, creativity, and intuition:  they are some of your greatest qualities, and will allow you to gain amazing professional and personal opportunities. Continue to love learning, ask questions as much as possible, and always put in the work. Believe in your value and be confident in who you are. With this mentality, you will surely attract the bountiful blessing that you deserve. 

Embrace change as much as possible. Welcome it with open arms, and see it as a source of strength and a valuable lesson to be learned. Your circumstances will change, your friend will change, your values will evolve, and you will realize that perhaps you have much more to learn about yourself than you originally thought. 

Take initiative: don’t wait for your dreams to happen! They are waiting for you to take the first step. Dreaming is important, but in order for you to manifest them into reality, you must be persistent, patient, and willing to put in the hard work. Yes, you are the creator of your destiny, and the writer of your own success story. 

Be grateful for the experiences that you have had in your life thus far. Even if it feels as though nothing is going in your favor, the universe is ending you certain challenges to help you grow and reach your full potential. Don’t let minor setbacks define you. You will experience failure, but it will only make your success that much sweeter. 

With love, 


Rebekah Theresa