5 Habits to Help Manifest Your Goals This Year 


So we’re a month into the New Year sis, how are you feeling? With 2020 over, and 2021 well underway it is important that we lay the foundations for a beautiful year! It is time for a year full of growth, happiness, and manifestation of our best selves. This time around, we want to set ourselves up for a strong start to the year in helping us manifest our best lives. Here are five ways to help you get up, get organized, and get ahead this year. 

1. Set goals for the year 

Setting goals helps keep you on the path of manifestation and gives you something to work toward. These goals can be something you want to achieve this year, within the next six months or even six days. 

2. Create a vision board 

If you’re like me, you’re a visual learner and have to see things written in front of you for them to mean anything. For me, if I don’t write things down, they may as well not even exist. A vision board is a great way to store your ideas/goals for the year and keep them in front of you. You can hang it up in your bedroom or bathroom, anywhere that it will continuously be in your face, and you won’t forget about it.

3. Wake up early

I’ve always believed in the notion of “the early bird catches the worm,” and I think it holds. Every person has the same 24 hours in a day, but it’s what you do with it that affects your life. Don’t get me wrong, I love to sleep in from time to time, but when I wake up at 6 am, it makes me feel like I can accomplish so much more in my day.  A brisk run and a hot shower help me start my day off feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world. 

4. Creating a financial budget 

Money can be a sensitive topic for some, especially in a post-covid world, but it’s something to be talked about. Setting a budget for your money can help you feel more in control and keep track of where your money is going. Listing out all expenses when they’re due helps in creating a better mindset about your finances. I like to do a monthly excel sheet with all of my purchases for that month to refer back to if there’s ever an issue

5. Keep a positive mindset 

This may look different for everyone, and it’s unrealistic to be happy ALL the time, but when manifesting your goals, it’s essential to keep your head up. Instead of saying ‘I want to get a new job,’ try saying ‘I will get a new job.’ Manifestation is mostly about positivity and having the drive to achieve your dreams. I like to start my day with morning manifestation using the visualization technique. This technique consists of 10 quiet minutes, eyes closed, using your mind to visualize your goals/dreams. It can be whatever your current plan is or what you are currently trying to manifest in your life. But using this visualization technique allows you to see yourself living out your dreams, thus making them more real and achievable.  

2021 may be a year of rebuilding for many of us, but that doesn’t mean it has to stop us from reaching our goals. With February right around the corner, it’s never too late to reassess your goals and start fresh! Small or large, every dream is significant and essential for YOU. Whatever you choose to manifest this year and wherever your plans take you, I hope you get there guided by love and joy!

Storm Ray