Releasing and Reflecting on 2020 With Gratitude


2020 will soon be over, and I can't help but think about all of the craziness that has transpired this year. One minute I was celebrating my birthday with friends in Santa Barbara, and the next, the government had locked us in a mandatory stay at home order. I think it's safe to say that this year was anything but ordinary. The devastation that came along with 2020 was insufferable – millions of people losing their jobs, their loved ones, their homes, and so much more. Not to mention having to endure natural disasters such as hurricanes, floods, and wildfires. Looking back at this year's events makes me want to pretend it was all just a bad dream. But instead of doing that, I think it's essential to look at everything we encountered this year and take it as a lesson. For those of us fortunate enough to have survived the year, I want to look forward to a better tomorrow for 2021. But to do that, I must reflect on the year and the significant lessons it taught me. 

For me personally, this year started off very typical. After graduating from college in 2019, I was in a transitional period of looking for a "big girl" job and trying to figure out what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. I turned 25 in January and had a fantastic time celebrating with my closest friends on a 3-day trip to Santa Barbara. And then boom, Shutdown. Once summertime came, I was doing everything I could to stay safe but not lose my sanity. As summer progressed, the news blew up with warnings of not frequenting places with people outside of your household. By June, the government passed the order that strictly prohibited gatherings larger than ten people, and cases continued to skyrocket. I started to feel as if things were never going to be "normal" again, and there was nothing I could do about it. As months went on and cases went up, it took me a little while to get accustomed to our “new normal”.

I think it's safe to assume that this was a first for most of us, stress from COVID-19 on top of our political positioning was enough to drive many of us to a breaking point. But the discord of this year was an excellent lesson for us all. All in all, this year was rough but there was so much to continue to be thankful for. It taught us that we are strong and capable of enduring more than we thought we could. When experiencing hardships, it isn't easy to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes we feel as though there is always going to be something holding us back. Day by day, it seems as though nothing changes or gets better, but what we fail to realize is that everything will be different when we look back on this year. 

Maybe you endured some devastating hardships this year, such as losing your job, home, or losing loved ones to the virus. After going through a tough time, it may seem as though nothing is going to get better. But I want to tell you that it will. You will find inner peace, another job, a home, and love around you in so many ways. Giving up is easy, but braving the storm is what shows your resilience and strength. Don't give up. One way to manifest positivity and joy for the year to come is by setting goals that you can work towards in the new year. Center your focus and do your best to stay on course. The grass is always greener on the other side, but you have to work hard to get there. 

As I look forward to 2021, I’m left feeling hopeful and optimistic for what's to come - and I hope you are too! I hope that you take time to reflect on this year and internalize and grow from the lessons you’ve learned and the joy that’s always available to you. As Bob Marley said, "you never know how strong you are until being strong is your only choice." If you got through this year, I want to applaud your strength and wish you success in the new year!

Storm Ray