5 Powerful Intentions for Manifestation Magic


Hey there Soul Sisters! I hope you’ve had a safe and relaxing first month of 2021. Congratulations, we’re all finally in the new year swing!

Did you make resolutions this year? Since we’re a month in - how are they going so far?

This year, instead of New Year’s Resolutions, I’ve decided to take a different route and create my intentions for the upcoming year. I have so much that I want to accomplish, so the best way to continue on this year’s journey is by writing them all down. In this article, I’d like to share with you my most important intentions for 2021. 

I will be compassionate with myself. 

If you are anything like me, then you’re probably pretty hard on yourself. Nothing has rung more true than the phrase “my own worst critic.” When I am overly critical of myself, I only leave more room in my spirit for more negative thinking. Everyone makes mistakes, and I am not a perfect being. Instead of beating myself up for not doing something right, I can instead turn it into a learning opportunity to use for the future. 

I will be mindful of my body. 

This year, I plan to commit myself to paying attention to my physical health and wellness. By being mindful of my eating habits, I can strengthen my body physically, and give myself a positive relationship with food. Being mindful while doing exercise holds equal importance; by moving my body for at least 30 minutes everyday, I can give myself the opportunity to be in the moment, improve the quality of my exercises, and allow my body to rid itself of any lingering anxiety. 

I can say no. 

I’ve been a bit of a people pleaser my entire life. I hate refusing people; I always want to make everyone else’s life easier. I’ve come to the realization that prioritizing others’ needs over my own only makes my life more difficult. Although it’s good to lend a helping hand every once in a while, I mustn't overextend myself to the point where I’ve no time to focus on my mental health, spirit and goals. Now is the moment to reclaim my time, and use my energy to propel me to my own future successes. 

I will practice my craft everyday. 

This year, I plan on consistently putting in the work to reach my professional goals. In order to make it happen, I will block out time in my calendar each day for me to focus on career building activities. This could mean updating my resume or LinkedIn, planning content or blog articles to pitch, applying to work positions, or networking with others pursuing the same career path. Until you apply pressure and put in the work, your manifestations can’t come to fruition! 

I will live without fear. 

This may be my toughest, yet single most crucial intention for the year. No more self-doubt or qualms about pursuing what I know in my heart I am meant to do. I cannot be afraid of failing if I do not at least try. It’s time to channel my highest self, switch up my mindset into accepting possibilities, and know that whatever my desire is, I already have it.

Rebekah Theresa