Get In A Morning Flow With A Morning Routine - And Manifest Quicker!

Image Source: Getty Images

Image Source: Getty Images


Hey there Soul Sisters!

For the longest time, I dreaded waking up in the morning. It felt like the most miserable part to a long day. However, I’ve come to learn that if I set a morning routine that aligns with my goals and my higher-self, the morning doesn’t have to be so bad. I’d like to share my morning routine that I use to fuel my mind and body, and put myself in the right mindset to manifest a productive day. 

8:00 AM: Wake up! I’m not perfect, so I may snooze the alarm once or twice. When I finally manage to wake myself up, I meditate in bed for about 15 minutes, avoiding my phone or laptop in order to truly be present with my thoughts. After my meditation, I make my bed and head over to my desk. 

8:15 AM: Once I’m at my desk, I break out my phone and laptop to check my social media, email, and Pinterest. I love Pinterest because I’m able to create a digital vision board for myself, which I use to visualize my personal and professional goals for the near and long-term future. Beginning your day with a visual of your desires helps you align your actions for the rest of the day to reflect these goals. 

8:45 AM: One of my favorite parts of the morning is my skin routine! After I shower and brush my teeth, I set the mood by playing some of my favorite artists (SZA, Erykah Badu, or even some old school), and get to work. I use my skin routine to pamper myself (because girl, I deserve it!) and to have a few minutes in the day to truly connect with me. Feeling pampered and beautiful helps me to manifest my best self. 

Image Source: Getty Images

Image Source: Getty Images


9:00 AM: I head to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Lately I’ve been loving toasted bread with goat cheese, brie, and honey. If I’m looking for something a bit lighter, my go-to is a green smoothie with frozen banana, soy milk, greek yogurt, spinach, and rolled oats. I also enjoy oatmeal made with rolled oats and soymilk, and topped with banana, blueberries, chia seeds, cinnamon, and peanut butter. 

9:30 AM: After breakfast, I take out my journal and write down my intentions for the day, whether they be big or small. My intentions remind me of what to focus on, what I’m grateful for, and what I’d like to accomplish. I also use my journal to write down any new writing ideas that I have. They could be fleshed out concepts or just quick, in the moment ideas that I want to save for later. 

I challenge you all to create a routine that you feel would be most beneficial to you both physically and mentally. Although everyone may be different, what matters most is creating a routine that will lead to an energized and productive rest of your day!

Rebekah Theresa